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Blossoming Into Life

Join Neil and Fionn for a 2-day retreat where we invite in the potent energy of Spring to support us in shining a light on what’s calling to be released, so we can make space for our most heart felt dreams to blossom.

The arrival of May is a joyful time. A time to feel the passion and life-force arising in us once again. There is a noticeable difference in the Earths Energy, there is evidence all around us that the wheel of the year has shifted. The days are noticeably longer, the sun is setting later, and it has grown warmer, there is no denying that the Earth has begun to fully awaken. While the earth is bursting with fertile energy, this is a powerful time to celebrate the pleasure in being alive. When we connect to the rhythm of Nature, we can begin to connect more deeply to our body and mind in ways that are nurturing and grounding. Our own bodies hold a cyclical wisdom and when we are in sync with the cycle of Nature, our life begins to flow harmoniously. Join Neil and Fionn for a 2-day retreat where we invite in the potent energy of Spring to support us in shining a light on what’s calling to be released, so we can make space for our most heart felt dreams to blossom. On Day 1, we will journey into our inner world through breath-work and group work which will shine light on what’s calling to be released. We will drink delicious cacao to open our hearts and then continue the journey deeper into our hearts whilst the sound of the drum takes us into a space of deep relaxation and recalibration to receive our intentions. On Day 2, we will journey to our future selves and call in our future intentions with a fire ceremony, releasing our deepest desires to spirit. We will close our ceremony by gifting our voices to spirit in song.

Full details



Saturday:  09:30 -18:00 and Sunday:  09:30 – 15:00


  • Single: £122.35 (+booking fee)

  • Bring a Friend: £234.35 (+booking fee)

Day One

Heart Opening Meditation: A gentle meditation to arrive, open your heart and connect with your inner healer for guidance on what you might want to let go of and what to bring in to blossom into life. Intention Setting: With the support of Oracle Cards, we will spend time creating an Intention for our journey together. Intentions are powerful as they supercharge our work together. ​Lunch: Please bring something to share for lunch (this needs to be a light lunch if we are doing Breathwork and cacao afterwards) ​Rebirthing Breathwork: Breathwork is a powerful modality to create a deeper connection to your body’s own natural healing power and offers you a reset button for your nervous system, creating safety to release old stories and limiting beliefs, allowing you to come back into your heart and into a renewed version of yourself. Cacao Ceremony: Together we will drink Ceremonial cacao (or rose tea if you prefer), allowing our intentions to infuse with the loving heart opening energy of Cacao and open our hearts to the transformation we wish to create. ​Group Work - 4 Square: We will use the power of positive affirmations to overcome fears or limiting beliefs stopping you from blossoming into life. ​Shamanic Reiki Drum: We will continue the journey deeper into our hearts whilst the sound of the drum takes us into a space of deep relaxation and recalibration to receive our intentions. ​Community Gathering: Cup of tea and snacks.

Day Two

Introduction to Shamanic Journeying: We will learn about shamanic journeying and how to achieve altered states of consciousness and how this is beneficial for healing, transformation and spiritual guidance. Journey to Future Selves: We will connect with a helping guide / animal to dream and identify the actions needs to make our future self a reality. ​Lunch: Please bring something to share for lunch Fire Ceremony: We will gather items from nature that symbolise what we want to blossom into life on this retreat and use the energy of the fire to release our desires to spirit.

Our Venue



In our lives we have all experienced events that we have not been able to fully process, and this stress / trauma / tension becomes stored in our bodies.  This can manifest in physical symptoms, mental and emotional conditions that prevent you from living your life to the fullest.  

​Rebirthing Breathwork (Conscious Connected Breathwork Practice) helps you to release any stored emotions and trauma, allowing you to awaken your body, rejuvenate your spirit, and reconnect with your authentic self. Breathwork can also be a soul vehicle that reconnects you to your path. Regulates our nervous systems Creates safety in our bodies so we can release old patterning & limiting beliefs Shifts old trauma, pain & stagnant energy held in our physical bodies Gain clarity on who we are, our purpose and goals Balances mind body and soul Reduces anxiety, stress, depression and anger Helps with depression Helps with trauma and post-traumatic stress Aids positive self-awareness Improves energy levels & boosts immunity. Increases self-esteem, self-awareness and confidence Improved deep sleep Increased energy levels

Shamanic Drumming


The rhythmical beating of a drum is one of the oldest practices of humankind and a powerful approach that promotes health and well-being.  When the body attunes to the supportive resonance of the drum, you begin to switch off and drift into deeper relaxation, assisting the body in releasing any deep-seated stress and tension and bringing the body back to its optimum vibration.

Drumming has so many powerful benefits, including reducing anxiety, quietening our minds, helping us to relax and deepen our breath, helping to release old energy that has become blocked in our body and energy system, and overall, it can boost our immune system. ​ IMPORTANT: Drumming is safe and beneficial for most people; however, drumming is not suitable if you are pregnant, have epilepsy, have a pacemaker or have tinnitus.



Cacao is a heart-opening non-psychoactive plant medicine and is one of the many tools available that can help us tune into who we really are. She supports us in softening our hearts so we can move from fear to love and connect with our inner wisdom.  Drinking Cacao in its purest form allows a deeper connection to ourselves our intuition and inner guidance, which leaves you loved up (with yourself), empowered, and in your heart.

Drinking Cacao is optional. Please do speak to me about other options.

IMPORTANT:  If you wish to drink Cacao, please read here. Whilst Cacao is generally safe for everyone, there are some contradications, and it is important that you are informed.

Fionn Leitch

Trauma Alchemist and Shamanic Priestess

With over 15 years of experience in energy work and her intention is to support deep personal transformation so that we can reclaim our most aligned selves through various Shamanic and somatic practices.


Fionn is a certified Rebirthing Breathwork Practitioner, trained by Peggy Dylan and Stephen Mulhearn.  She is also a Certified Cacao Practitioner, trained by Fire Tree Alchemy and holds this powerful medicine in deep reverence and feels called to weave her heart opening magic into her ceremonies and workshops.​


Your facilitators

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Sundoor Master, Shamanic Practitioner and Breathwork Instructor

Trained in the lineage of Peggy Dylan and Stephen Mulhearn. A lineage that uses the power of unconditional love to create transformation, healing and joy. His joy is in sharing his experience with the world, teaching skills that empower you to create an abundance of joy and a life beyond your wildest of dreams.

Client Love

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Paula Milligan

What an amazing weekend away. I can not express how much I got from this retreat. I met the most fabulous woman and had a wonderful time. From stories and songs around the fire to watching sunrises and sunsets and a magnificent drumming experience at the stone circle. There was so much more but I would be taking the magic out of it if I told you. If you get the chance I urge you to book . The owl and the wolf will take you on a journey of self discovery while holding space for you safely to explore. Looking forward to more from this duo.🙏❤

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