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Radiant Mind

Shamanic Reiki Drum

1:1 healing programme in Edinburgh


Release core beliefs holding you back and live a more radiant life

your mind with
Shamanic Reiki Drum


One of the most profound quests you will undertake in this life, is to learn how to reprogram your mind and create the life you want to live.  


Your core beliefs have an impact on your happiness, success, and personal fulfilment.  The subconscious mind stores these beliefs and values, and it defines who you are at your very core.  


These beliefs are nothing more than thoughts that you have come to believe as true over time.


Here’s the good news - YOU have the power to shift these thoughts. 


If you feel stuck in a behavioural pattern that’s holding you back from your most authentic wild self, Shamanic Reiki Drum is a powerful tool to release and receive deep healing whilst affecting change in your life.


Shamanic Reiki Drum is currently available to book in-person with me in Edinburgh. Together we will identify and begin to shift a core belief that’s holding you back. Book an introductory session for £88 today.


Client Love

"After working with Fionn with some 1:1 reiki and drumming sessions I felt lighter, more positive, and a desire to allow myself to receive more.  

I even signed a new client after working together!"


- Lorina Owen -


Your facilitator

Fionn Leitch

Trauma Alchemist and Shamanic Priestess

I’m Fionn, Shamanic Priestess, Reiki master and breathwork practitioner. I am honoured to offer deep transformational healing to my clients.


I have devoted my life to learning healing modalities for my own personal development.  From experiencing religious and childhood trauma, I have alchemised my trauma into gold. 


I am honoured to support people on their own healing journey by helping them access the very medicine they hold within themselves.


I know what it is like to create deep, life-transforming change and anchor it in, and I will be that guide for you.


I currently offer Shamanic Reiki Drum in-person in Edinburgh, for individuals and teams. 


If you are based elsewhere please do get in touch for an exploratory chat about how I can support you.


How Shamanic Reiki 
Drum works


You’ve heard the phrase ‘drumming it in’ - you’re trying to remember something and so you repeat it over and over again? 


That’s exactly how Shamanic Reiki Drum works - it shifts the repetitive thoughts holding you back in your life, by drumming in new, empowering core beliefs that’ll help you live a more authentic, radiant life. 


The rhythmical beating of a drum is one of the oldest practices of humankind and a powerful approach that not only promotes health and well-being, but positively affects the brain.


When your body attunes to the supportive resonance of the drum, you begin to switch off and drift into deeper state of relaxation. 


This helps your body to release any deep-seated stress and tension, bringing your body back to its optimum vibration, whilst Reiki assists in recalibration and re-energising the body.


"During my work with Fionn, I found clarity and motivation during a period where I had been feeling really stuck. Through this work, I have found a new optimism for my future and the journey that takes me there."


- Caroline Levack - 




Deep healing in body, mind and soul


​Shamanic Reiki Drum is a deeply healing modality for the mind, body and soul. It engages you on a conscious and subconscious level, as the sound and resonance of the drum takes you into an altered state of consciousness. 


Drumming shifts your brainwaves from Beta to Alpha, which is when you are more open to positive reinforcement through the use of affirmations. 


When used in conjunction with an affirmation, you can begin to create new neural pathways to change any repetitive patterns that are keeping you stuck, so you can start to think, and live, in a way you truly desire.

Benefits of Shamanic Reiki Drum include:


Boosts your overall immune system.

Helps you to relax and deepen your breath.

Releases blocks in your body and energy system.  

Quietens your mind, reducing stress and anxiety.

Gives you a deep feeling of relaxation and well-being.

Helps you to reconnect with your natural body wisdom.

Drops you into a state of receptivity to deep healing and transformation.


Reclaim your power and shift from feeling stuck to shining more radiantly in your body, mind and soul.

What happens in a session?



We begin the first session with a discussion on where you would like to experience a shift in your life and agree on an affirmation to effect this change.


The discussion is then followed by hands-on Reiki, then the Shamanic Reiki Drum, where I will guide you to journey into your heart space and hold your affirmation in your heart, whilst I continue to drum.


The repetitive beat of the drum will help you to switch off easier, preventing your thoughts from straying and enabling you to reach deep into your subconscious mind with your affirmation.


Drumming is followed by more reiki healing, rattling, integration and then a chat about your experience.


There are times when I receive messages from spirit / your guides, and I will share these with you.


Next steps

If you want to work deeper after your initial session, the Radiant Mind Programme is your next step.


We work together over three in person sessions and you’ll also receive 1:1 support from me between sessions, for further integration and guidance. 


Bespoke sessions are available please reach out to discuss with me (such as including Cacao in your sessions). Please reach out to discuss payment plans.

Client Love

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Caroline Levack

Radiant Mind Shamanic Reiki Drumming with Fionn helped me to start shifting things that I’ve been struggling with for years. Fionn created a welcoming, safe and spiritual space; the shifts started instantly and continued throughout my time working with her.


Although my focus was on one area (to be more resilient) this permeated all aspects of my life; parenting, relationships and health and wellbeing. 


Through this work with Fionn, I have found clarity and motivation during a period where I had been feeling really stuck. I have found a new optimism for my future and the journey that takes me there.

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Are you looking for a powerful new wellbeing experience for your team?


Radiant Mind is also a transformative team wellbeing experience, to help your team truly thrive together. 

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